Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What I've Learned Over Break

At school I am surrounded by resources to help me grow in my relationship with God. I attend chapel three times a week, there's church on Sundays and Wednesdays, there are weekly prayer meetings and Bible studies, and even in class we're pushed to know God more. There are people everywhere who are growing and encouraging you to grow. When I come home, however, there are a lot fewer resources. Sure, my parents are great Christian leaders, and I still go to church, but really, there aren't many people and activities to help stimulate growth. It's just me, God, my Bible, and my prayer journal. Now that I've come to the last couple of days of break, I've tried looking back and seeing what it is God has taught me over the past month. At first, I was really worried that I hadn't learned anything, but after some thought, I realized that I learned and grew a lot.

It's been a tough year for me. Granted, it really hasn't been that tough, but for me it has. This past semester at school was so overwhelming with classes and work and leadership and responsibility. When I got home, it was so nice to just release that burden. But, you know when you're working out (I'm guessing here because working out is not something I do often... or hardly ever) and you're doing your crunches or lifts or running or whatever, and your whole body is aching, but you finally finish, and it's so satisfying to know you're done, but your body still aches and burns? That's how I felt. Still, I had a new burden to put on. My family has been going through some rough stuff. Being at school, I get to hear about it, but I'm not really a part of it. Being home just made it more real. So, still aching from the release of the past burden, I got to put on this new one and continue to feel overwhelmed. During this time, I realized how much more important it is to be disciplined. There were many days when I did not want to read my Bible. I just wanted to sleep or watch TV and vegetate on the couch and forget all of my worries. See, when I came to God, it meant that I had to talk about what was going on. I had to face my struggles and my fears and anxieties. I had to talk to Him about it and ask Him to do something about it, but I just didn't want to. I think really I just wanted to be lazy. Still, when I sought God anyways, I found a message much greater than all of my worries.

I've been trying to read through Exodus. The beginning of the book is quite exciting, but then you get to the part where God is giving Moses the law and instructions on how the tabernacle should be constructed and then Moses gives the artisans the instructions, and it's a lot of boring chapters and you just don't want to read it because it seems really irrelevant. Looking at the detailed instructions, though, made me realize how holy God is that He demanded such intricacy. He demanded the priests be cleansed. They must be made holy before coming before Him for the people. He demanded atonement for sins through sacrifice. He demanded everything for a specific purpose. Still, as holy as He is, He still desires the best for His people. God's presence rested over the tabernacle as a cloud in the day and as fire in the night. When His presence was lifted from above the tabernacle, it meant that the people were to leave where they were camped and continue traveling. He guided them wherever they needed to go. I still find it incredible to believe that God cares that much for us. We are a sinful people! Still, look at the relationship He had with Moses! Moses spent forty days on Mount Sinai with God. Exodus 33:11 says, "So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." As great a relationship God had with Moses that He talked to Him as a friend, Moses was still a sinful man. When Moses asked to see God, God told him that he could not see His face because he would die. Still, God said He would put His hand over Moses's face, and then after He had passed, would uncover Moses's eyes and allow him to see His back. Oh, that I could see just the back of God! If God's hand would touch my face! When Moses came down from the mountain, his skin glowed. I can't imagine this, but I think it is such a neat picture of how influential our relationship with God should be upon the rest of our life. moses had to wear a veil around the camp and only remove it when he returned to speak with God on the mountain.

All of these things are tucked in between the "boring chapters." As I read all of this, I was reminded of how holy God is and how small and sinful we are, but how God has made a way for us to have a relationship with Him. Jesus came as the perfect atoning sacrifice for all sin. He is the High Priest, the One through whom we can reach God. Now, God's presence resides in us. He guides us through His Holy Spirit. We do know Him. We can talk to Him, and He speaks to us. His power dwells in us. Romans says that the Spirit that rose Christ from the grave is the same Spirit that we now have, and with the Spirit, the same power! Hallelujah!

So, in closing, though it hasn't been an easy break, and though I am fearful of taking on so much responsibility once again, I am reminded that God is sovereign, and that, no matter what is going on around me, I can have joy in knowing that I have an eternal relationship with Him. He is bigger and better than all of my problems, and through Him, I have the power to do whatever He wills in whatever I am given.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

To Jesus Christ I Surrender All

So... my attitude recently has been pretty sour. I stumbled upon this song a couple of months ago and loved the message of it. I kind of forgot about it for awhile until tonight, and it really made me reevaluate where I was. I have surrendered all to Christ. He has saved me from the deepest pit, and now all that I have and all that I am belongs to Him. I trust You, Lord.

"The Wind" by Randall Goodgame