About Me

My name is Elizabeth and I am a broken person. I grew up in church and tried really, really hard to be a good Christian for a long time, but I've found that to be an empty endeavor on my own. God saved me when I was very young and I learned a lot about what it meant to have a relationship with Him when I got a little older. I've had a lot of struggles with God, and I am still learning what it means to be a broken person, but I am ever more grateful for the grace I have been shown and to be able to call myself a Christian. I hope this blog can be an expression of what I'm learning and an evidence of His grace in my life.

I moved around a little growing up, so I can't really say I'm "from" anywhere, but my family has become my home, and I love, love, love spending time with them. I'm currently working on my master's degree in Intercultural Studies, and *fingers crossed* will be done next year! After that, who knows what God will bring me to? I'm just glad I have the security of knowing that my future is taken care of.

Laughing is my most favorite thing in the world (the cheesier the joke the better). When I'm avoiding school work, I like to craft and indulge on Netflix or YouTube. The brontosaurus is my favorite dinosaur, Belle is my favorite Disney Princess, and my favorite Doctor is number 10. If there was one skill I wish I had, it would be the ability to dance. Or to sing like Jennifer Hudson. I haven't decided yet. But definitely one of those things. I love flowers and socks (pretty much on the same level). Fall is my favorite season and chai is my favorite hot drink. I grew up watching PBS, sci-fi, and John Wayne, I love Judy Garland and Jimmy Stewart, and if I could any one celebrity, it would be Kate Middleton.


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