The 10/40 Window

To me, 10/40 sounds like a really bad vision diagnoses. (God did not call me to be a doctor.) BUT... it's not! The 10/40 Window is actually an area of the world that is about 40 degrees north and 10 degrees south of the equator.
This "window" of the world contains 68 countries stretching from northern Africa to Asia. So what's so significant about these nations? There are approximately 4 billion people who live in the 10/40 window (almost two thirds of the world population). Nearly 2 billion in almost 6,000 people groups have never heard about Jesus. The 10/40 window is not only home to the majority of the world followers of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Non-religious blocks, but it is also home to the majority of the world's poor.

Despite the great physical and spiritual needs of this area, it is also a section of the world very rich in diverse culture, from the Berbers of Morocco... the Taiwanese off the coast of southern China.

If you would like to know more about the 10/40 Window, you can click on either of the links below.

Window International Network: