
Below is a list of books that I enjoy and resources that I've found especially helpful in my life and walk with the Lord. If you have any resources that have been especially helpful to you, please feel welcomed to share them as well!

The Cross and the Switchblade
by David Wilkerson
What is it about? This book documents the true story of how David Wilkerson, a country pastor in rural Pennsylvania, was unexpectedly called to minister to the gang culture of New York city in the 1960's and the challenges and successes his ministry underwent in its early years.

What makes it great? Though I'm not sure I agree with everything David Wilkerson says and believes, I am challenged by the great faith and trust he has in God as well as encouraged by the faithfulness God shows in accomplishing His work. Ministry is tough. But God's work is worth it. This book challenged me in my willingness to trust the Lord and in the way I invest in people.

Passion and Purity
by Elisabeth Elliot
 What is it about? Elisabeth Elliot, widow of the missionary Jim Elliot (End of the Spear), shares her story of her relationship with Jim and how God kept them apart for a season before bringing them together. In it, she shares journal entries from that time in her life and responds to letters she has received from women facing struggles in their own lives.

What makes it great? There are plenty of books out there about how to date right, but very few about how to wait right. I have to admit that I have not read this book in a long time. But it was very helpful and encouraging then, and I often refer to this as my "singleness book". If there is one thing I have taken away from this book, it would be this: "Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living."

When Godly People do Ungodly Things
by Beth Moore
What is it about? As Christians, we have turned from sin and toward Christ. Though we still make mistakes, we turn those over to the Lord as well. But is it possible for Christians, even Christian leaders, to be trapped in a pattern of habitual sin? Beth Moore would say, "yes." This book is divided into two parts: the first encouraging freedom from the web of sin and the second calling for accountability and protection against sin.

What makes it great? This book was highly influential in bringing me out of my own period of doing "ungodly things." For those struggling with sin, it is an encouragement that you are not alone while at the same time a challenge not to remain where you are. For those who have not gone through a season of ungodliness, this book gives insight into such struggles. I would especially recommend this book to anyone going into ministry, both as a reminder of the need to protect yourself from such sin and as a resource to gain understanding for those you may be ministering to.


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