About This Blog

Why "Searching Him"

According to Webster's Dictionary, to "search" means "to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something."

One of the beauties of relationship is that, no matter how well you know someone, there is always more to know. As I "search" the Lord- through His Word, His creation, and His people- I have been encouraged, I have been humbled, I have been convicted, I have been called to action, and I have realized that there is so much more searching to do. This blog is a humble attempt to know God more, through prayer and reflection on Scripture and experiences.

Words cannot express how grateful and humbled I am that you would consider my words valuable enough to read. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know that I do not always get it right, and I praise God for His grace in those moments, but it is my prayer that as I write, I point to The Word and that as you read, you would be encouraged, humbled, convicted, and called as well. Ultimately, I hope that you would also experience the joy of knowing God and searching Him.


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