Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Preparation for His Direction

Welcome to the new layout of my blog! I figured it was about time for a new look... and for a new post! Actually, there's a reason I've chosen this swanky new background. First, I thought it was an appropriate look in describing my search and discovery of the character of God. Secondly, I wanted to be able to express my passion for missions to you all. If you aren't familiar with my calling and passion, allow me to take a brief detour:

I have always had an excitement for missions. I remember having missionaries come in and speak to us during AWANAS and listening to them talk about the cultures they got to work with. To me, these people were heroes. I never, ever, in a million years thought that God would call me to the mission field. But that's exactly what He did. The summer before my sophomore year in high school I recognized and surrendered to God's calling.

So, I am studying to be an ESL teacher (English as a Second Language) with the hopes of teaching English overseas and using it as an opportunity to share God's love with people who have never heard it before. As I am studying TESL, I am also preparing for the mission field by making the most of my time and opportunities here and now. I do not want to be so caught up in looking toward the future that I miss out on my mission field at present. I want to build relationships with people and help them in their needs. I cannot sit back and talk about God's calling for my future without acting upon His calling for my present, and I know that as I take the opportunities He has given me now, I am learning and growing toward my calling for the future.

One opportunity God has given me at present is to take a trip to Southeast Asia this summer with an organization through school. I will get the chance to learn and grow with a group of students and leaders from school, all who have a passion to see people come to know God through Christ. While in SE Asia, we will be going to different colleges and universities and teaching conversational English to students there, all the while praying for opportunities to share the gospel with them. Like when preparing for any trip, my mind is crowded with questions and worries, but I am so excited to be able to serve my Lord in this way, and I can't wait to see what He has planned!

So, now that we've completed our detour route, I have decided to use this space to continue to write about what God is teaching me, but to include my growing process in preparing for missions, both toward my trip and past that. Hopefully this dusty site will see more posts and more traffic! I look forward to learning what God is teaching me and to share it with all of you!

PS: I would really appreciate your prayers and support as my team and I do prepare for our trip this summer. If you would like to find out more information about it or donate toward it, you can visit Thanks!