Monday, October 1, 2012

Apple Cider Ponderings

It's October! The leaves are changing from dark greens to orange-y hues, scarves and boots are seeing daylight after an extended respite in the back of the closet, watching football is once again a Sunday afternoon ritual, and everything tastes like pumpkin. Fall has arrived! As I sit here sipping apple cider, I am reminded once again how wonderful it is that, in the midst of change, our God is constant. He is a rock, an anchor, ever-present, and ever-faithful. What a mighty God we serve!

Speaking of change, there seems to be a lot of it recently and I am even more thankful for God's stable presence through it all. Let's just rewind a little bit to this summer. I've already mentioned in previous posts how different this past summer was from every other summer I've had, but the greatest change to my life this summer was also the greatest challenge. I am so grateful for parents who support me and help me out in any way that they can, and I do not take that for granted. Since graduating, I have become more financially independent than I have ever been. As bills came in every month, however, I had no source of income to pay them with. I have never had to put so much trust in God for anything before, and I'm not going to lie, it was really, really hard! Try as I might to find a job, nothing was working out. I was stressing. All I could do was pray that the Lord would provide, and provide He did. I received late graduation gifts in the mail. I found more money in my bank account than I had previously thought I had. My parents helped me out where they could. Still, I knew that by the end of July I would be completely broke and unable to pay for the rest of my semester of school let alone another year and a half. That was when my internship supervisor approached me to let me know that, though they had previously told me my internship would be unpaid, they had received approval to supply me with a small stipend at the beginning of August, when my internship was over. Praise the Lord! As I watched God provide over and over for my monetary needs, it was certainly enough to sustain, but never enough to allow me to think that I could take control and make it on my own. It is quite humbling being reduced to eating Ramen noodles and pieces of sliced bread every meal, but even that could not distract me from the joy I had in getting to know Jehovah Jireh as I never have before.

Entering into this semester, I've never felt so old and yet so young in my entire life. Coming into my fifth year here at school, I've become an expert on life at Liberty, or so it would seem to the many new students I live with. It is such a blessing to live with an amazing group of girls. They are so loving and so encouraging, and it has been a blast to do life with them these past six weeks. I love getting to watch their excitement about many of the things they are learning and experiencing and I am reminded of my similar excitement coming in as a freshman. Still, the fact that I am four or five years older than most of these girls has not escaped me. I feel old. Starting my first semester in seminary has been great, but it has also been quite intimidating. I am learning so much about the Bible and missions and the character of God. I love soaking up the wisdom that my professors share every class, but there is a certain intimidation that comes with being asked questions about topics I have never even though about, surrounded by classmates old enough to be my parents. I have fretted over my class readings and assignments like I haven't in a very long time. It is weird feeling like a freshman and an old maid at the same time. Such is my life right now. And still God remains the same.

I've talked a little bit before about our vision for our hall this year, paralleling the seasons to the cycle of brokenness, surrender, and restoration, and something that I've realized is that God often uses change in our lives to draw out those things that need to be given up to Him. I'm reading through Job right now in my time with the Lord. We are all at least a little familiar with the story of Job, how everything was taken away from Him- his family, his possessions, even his own health- and still he did not forsake the Lord. Job's friends gave him little comfort in their worthless speeches during his time of mourning. Job's life went through some drastic changes through which he experienced deeper sorrow than I could ever imagine. However, Job was also able to experience awe of God's grand omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience in a way that I could only hope to. (If you ever get a chance, you should definitely read the latter part of Job from The Message.) Something that I find interesting about the story of Job is that God never explained to Job why He allowed such a great trial to come to him. Though Job asked God plenty why He brought calamity to him (Job 7:20), and though he did not believe the answers his friends provided, Job never got an answer from God. Instead he got to experience God in a new way, in a life-changing way.

In his song, The Reason Why You Brought Me Here, Jason Gray poetically and honestly describes how, through changes and even sometimes through ruin, we can still trust that God knows what He is doing. So, as I finish the last sip of my cider and look out at the beautiful Virginia landscape before me, I am thankful that my God never changes. He has remained faithful through all of the changes and trials I have faced in the past and He is One that I can trust in as I look forward to all of the changes and challenges yet to come. I am still anxious about what the future holds, but I know that I do not have to be afraid.

And just because I love this season so much, here's a pretty fall picture. Happy Autumn, everybody!