Saturday, August 8, 2009

Campers, Chickens, and Hot Air Balloons (Part 2)

(Before I continue with my story, I would like to give a short intro) Right now it is almost 2 in the morning, and although I will have to get up at 6:30, I am still awake. "Why?" you may ask: because.... I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!!! I am SOOOO excited right now! Each keystroke fills my heart with greater excitement! Anyways, I still should probably not be up at this hour, but I am, so I figured I would spend my time continuing my account of camp:

The second week of camp was 2nd and 3rd grade week. This was the only short week of the year, only going from Sunday to Wednesday. If it had gone on any longer, I think we all would have died. Each Sunday afternoon, we would arrive at camp an hour before the campers could check in. (If you're thinking that an hour is not enough time to be given instructions on our responsibilities for the week, you are absolutely right.) In this time, our director for the week (yes, the director changes EVERY week, only causing more stress and confusion on our part) came out of the "staff cabin," handed each of us a folder with a 5 page schedule in it, turned right back around, and went back inside. Coming from the great experience we had last week, it was quite a shock to know that we would be in charge of running all activities, beginning in less than an hour. This included puppets, crafts, Bible story time, music, (because we HAD to have a program to perform for all the parents), games, devotions, and everything in between. With no help from the director (in fact, we barely even SAW the director), we were pretty stressed.

The highlight of that week was our first trip to the miniature horse farm. Bless the lady's heart that owns all of these horses! I have never met a more proud, dedicated horse owner (granted, I haven't met barely any horse owners, but that's beside the point). We were informed that we were not to call these horses "ponies" because they were not "ponies," they were horses (oh, except for the one miniature donkey, but we were told not to tell her she's a donkey, because it hurts her feelings!) Among the horses were Joe, a champion stallion, FWR Midnight Sneekers, and, our personal favorite, Coupon! After the 2 hour tour, we all climbed back onto the tractor trailer that we had riden on (of course, the director drove her own vehicle), and crossed back over the highway to get to camp! This was the first of four trips to the horse farm, and it didn't get any more interesting than that. So, I guess looking back on the week, there aren't a lot of dramatic stories to tell after all, but that doesn't mean it didn't have it's stressful moments!

Tune in next time for the continuation of... "Campers, Chickens, and Hot Air Balloons!"


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