Thursday, April 14, 2011

Financial Update!

Hello, everyone! I just wanted to take a little time to update you as to how I'm doing financially! I will be leaving for my trip in just over a month, and of right now, I have raised $3,216! It is incredible to think of how all of that money has come in! I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago, saying that I signed up for this trip already with an idea of how God was going to provide the finances, and though He definately has provided, it certainly hasn't been in the way that I thought it would be. In fact, there was a lot of humbling on my part throughout this whole process, but now that the end is in sight, it is exciting to see how it has all come together! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has been supporting me, not only financially, but through prayer as well! I haven't reached the goal yet, though! With just over a month until the trip, I still have to raise just over $400. If you would like to be a part of supporting my team and I as we build relationships with the people of Southeast Asia, please visit the "Support Southeast Asia" page. Thank you again for all of your support, whether through giving money, through prayer, or even by visiting this blog! I really do appreciate all of it!


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