Monday, May 4, 2009

Searching Him

So, I realized after writing my first post that I never really explained the title "Searching Him" which is kind of lame since I spent awhile coming up with it. (Haha! Some of you are probably thinking "Wow. Really? It took you awhile to come up with THAT!?" Yeah. It did.) According to good ole' Webster, to "search" means "to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something." I came to a saving relationship with God when I was very young. You would think that after so many years, I would know almost everything about Him, but that couldn't be further from the truth. As I have grown in my relationship with God, I've realized that the more I learn, the less I know. God's character is so deep and vast that I have not even come close to knowing all of Him. Still, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning all I can. It is my passion to search to know Him better than I already do. So, in an effort to do that, I will continue to write what He is revealing to me about who He is and who I need to be. I realize that I am still learning. I am not always right. I will sometimes get it wrong, but as I continue to search after Him, He will reveal Himself to me and I will know more of Him. That's what this page is all about.


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