Friday, May 1, 2009

Whew! This is New!

Ok, so here's the deal (or the "dealio" as my brother would say): this is totally new for me. Though this may sound incredibly cheesy, this is scary for me to be blogging for others to possibly read! These are my inner thoughts and feelings I'm laying out for people to read! That's scary! What if I say something totally wrong and foolish? That's scary, too! But, here I am, writing my first blog post. Here I go.

I figured I'd start out by stating the purpose of this blog, and perhaps by the time I'm done I'll know. :) I love writing. Though I'm not very good at it, I've found it to be a great way to sort through what I'm thinking. It's almost like talking to yourself, only people don't think you're crazy when you do it! I'm not a doctor or a psychologist or anything like that, but if I could draw you a picture of my thought process and what goes on in my brain, it would look something like this:

(I know, I know. I should be an artist.) Seriously, I cannot keep up with all of th thoughts that go through my brain in just one second! So, I find it very useful sometimes to write out what I'm thinking. It helps me process information and it helps me focus on what I think. So I enjoy writing. I don't do it as often as I should, but when I do write, I write a lot (as you can probably already tell). I have a number of things I've written or typed up that I wish I could share with other people, and I thought the most appropriate place to do that would be in a blog. So here I am, writing my first blog entry on absolutely nothing. I hope that I can use this to sort through everything going on in my brain and to encourage others in the process. :)


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