Saturday, May 9, 2009

Today was my first whole day back home from a very long second semester of school. Right now it is almost 1:00 in the morning, and although that would normally seem like a normal bedtime at school, right now I am wooped! Unfortunately, while at school, my brother took over my room and is currently playing video games, preventing me from any rest. So, until he decides he is tired, I am sitting in my living room watching my other brother and his friend... play video games. (We're a very active family.) 1:00 in the morning is probably not a fantastic time to write a blog entry (you never know what will come out of your mouth... er... fingers?... but right now I can't think of anything better to fill my time with. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what to write! I know! It's terrible, but it's true! So, I thought that perhaps I would share something that I wrote up last semester about what God taught me. I found it in my journal the other day, and thought perhaps it would be appropriate to share:

What God Has Been Teaching Me

God is holy!
You are the everlasting God! You are the first and the last! You are holy! Your name is above all names! At the sound of Your name, mountains crumble! At Your name, demons run and hide! Your power is far beyond all powers! Who am I to come before You!? Who am I to come into Your presence!? I am a sinner, fallen short of Your glory! My whole entire being is filthy before your holiness. I am so unworthy to come before You. In Your presence, I fall on my face in humility, and I do not know what to say.

Relationship with a holy God:
God, I am so apathetic. You are holy and the only One deserving of anything. Though You are worth so much more than all I have, it is all I have to give You. And even though You should have all of me (and even desire it, which is a thought beyond my comprehension), I do not give it. If my life belongs to You, and I have claimed to give it to You, then why am I so unwilling? If I have said that You are as holy as I KNOW You are, then why do I still live for myself? God, forgive me,and change my heart. My efforts are worth nothing. It is only through Your power that I can be changed.

Changing my heart:
The reason I fail to continuously recognize Your holiness is that I fail to continuously recognize You!

I am free to live!
God, You ARE holy, and I AM unworthy, but You have loved me enough to take me as I am, and call me righteous. You have not just forgiven my sin, but You have totally erased it! I have been redeemed through the blood of Your Son. Once, the law burdened me, but I no longer live under law, but under grace through the Spirit! I am free to live in You! May I not use the liberty You have given me to live in the flesh, but may I live my life to the fullest purpose that You have called me to!

God's perfect plan:
It amazes me how You bring certain situations together to give Yourself glory! even when we mess up, You still use what we have and what we've done to benefit Your kingdom. When I think of all of the billions and trillions of people in the world, and the many from the past and the many, if by Your will, to come in the future, it blows my mind to think that You have and do and will use all of their's and our situations together to bring Yourself glory! I cannot fathom how anyone could orchestrate that! Then I remember that no power is beyond You, and though I cannot comprehend, I know that You can, and do, work all things together for Your purpose, and it amazes me!

God's perfect plan for me:
God, You have given me such a passion for helping people, and such a heart for those in China. God, those people need You! They are living with no hope and no purpose in life, but to succeed for their country. They need to know of the higher purpose You desire for them. God, when I think of the people of the world, and how they are living in death in bondage of their sin, it makes me sick! (Though not sick enough to witness to them like I should.) I know this passion in my heart to serve China was put there by You! God, I cannot understand why You would give me such a passion and not allow me to go because of finances. It breaks my heart! But God, I know You are sovereign, and Your plan is better than my own, so I trust You. I know that You have called me to a purpose no matter where I am. God, I pray that You would open up opportunity for me to do whatever You will this summer. God, I know wherever You put me, I am called to be Your witness and Your light. Thank You, God, for giving me a plan and a purpose!


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